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建筑防水词汇中英文对照 7 (181-210)总261


建筑防水词汇中英文对照:(01-30) | (31-60) | (61-90) | (91-120) | (121-150) | (151-180) | (181-210) | (211-240) | (241-261)

181、建筑用卵石、碎石 Pebble and crushed stone for building

182、石油沥青玻璃纤维胎油毡 Fibreglass reinforced petroleum bitumen membrane

183、预拌混凝土 Ready-mixed concrete

184、住宅混凝土内墙板与隔墙板 Internal and partition concrete panel in residence

185、轻集料混凝土小型空心砌块 Lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow block

186、农房混凝土配套构件 Complete sets of rural-housing concrete elements

187、玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 体积密度、含水率和玻璃纤维含量 Test methods for the properties of glass fibre reinforced cement--The volume density, water content and glass fibre content

188、玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 抗压强度 Test methods for the properties of glass fibre reinforced cement--The compressive strength

189、玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 抗弯性能 Test methods for the properties of glass fibre reinforced cement--The flexural properties

190、玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 抗拉性能 Test methods for the properties of glass fiber reinforced cement--The properties of direct tension

191、玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 抗冲击性能 Test methods for the properties of glass fibre reinforced cement--The properties of impact resistance

192、预应力混凝土输水管检验方法 Inspection methods of prestressed concrete pipes for water

193、GB .- 饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法 防火性能分级 Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Classication for fire retardancy

194、饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法 大板燃烧法 Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Big panel method

195、饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法 隧道燃烧法 Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Tunnel method

196、饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法 小室燃烧法 Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Cabinet method

197、通用型片状模塑料(SMC) Sheet moulding compounds(SMC) for general purposes

198、导电和抗静电纤维增强塑料电阻率试验方法 Test method of resistivity for fibre reinforced conducting and antistatic plastics

199、蒸压加气混凝土板 Autoclaved aerated concrete slabs

200、不饱和聚酯树酯增强塑料中残留苯乙烯单体含量测定方法 Determination method of residual styrene monomer contents in reinforced plastics based on unsaturated polyester

201、彩色建筑材料人工气候加速颜色老化试验方法 Test method for color changes in accelerated weathering of colored building materials

202、钢丝网水泥板 Ferrocement ribbed slab

203、纤维增强水泥及其制品术语 Terms of fiber reinforced cement and related products

204、绝热用硅酸铝棉及其制品 Aluminium silicate wool and their products for thermal insulation

205、矿物棉制品吸水性试验方法 Test method for water absorption of mineral wool products

206、煤矿井下用玻璃钢制品安全性能检验规范 Test of glass fiber reinforced plastic product safety property for coal mining

207、混凝土和钢筋混凝土排水管试验方法 Test methods of concrete and reinforced concrete drainage and sewer pipes

208、硅酸盐建筑制品术语 Terms for silicate building products

209、建筑材料燃烧性能分级方法 Classification on burning behaviour for building materials

210、混凝土外加剂 Concrete admixtures



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